1 in 3 women has been a victim of domestic violence; and unfortunately, those rates continue to increase.
As a community, we have to stick together when times are hard and there seems to be no way out of a bad situation. So many women suffer in silence because they are too scared or embarrassed to ask for help. We have to provide a safe haven for women to feel comfortable enough to plead for safety when they need it.
There are several ways to help a victim of domestic violence without directly getting involved:
Provide financial support
Provide a listening ear
Provide a place to stay (if it's safe) or resources to find a new home
Never judge their situation or make them feel isolated/alone
Facts about domestic violence:
About 325,000 women experience domestic violence during pregnancy each year
During pregnancy, is when domestic violence usually appears or is at its most intense
There are different types of domestic violence including physical, emotional, financial, mental, etc
It is never the victim/survivor's fault and you are never alone
The national domestic violence hotline can help you safely end an in-the-moment crisis as well as direct you to local resources for ongoing/further assistance
Resources for Domestic Violence Victims:
Hagar’s House
3401 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70119
(504) 210-5064
Safe Harbor
No Address for Safety
(985) 626-5740
Hotel Hope
3923 MLK Blvd New Orleans, LA 70125
(504) 821-7773
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans
1000 Howard Ave Ste 200
New Orleans, LA 70113
(504) 523-3755
(Offers services but more of a local resource directory)
Covenant House
611 N. Rampart
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 584-1111
(Teen/Young Moms)